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Category: Aeration

What is Lawn Aeration and What are the Benefits?

The Lawn Aeration Process When it comes to lawn care, having treatments performed is an essential part of having healthy grass. While many treatments are widely understood, there are a few which are not so well known. If you find yourself asking, “what is lawn aeration?” you are not alone. Lawn aeration is the [...]


What is Overseeding a Lawn and When to Do it?

Understanding Overseeding Harsh Houston weather can take a toll on even the toughest lawns. With cold winters and scorching summers, giving your lawn some extra care can help it flourish. Overseeding helps lawns grow green and healthy by filling in bare patches and helping existing grass grow strong. Typically done in the spring and [...]

2021-05-27T14:46:48-05:00Aeration, Overseeding|

Five Common Lawn Care Myths You Might Believe

In this post, we'll address the most common lawn care myths that are often repeated but not actually true. It's common for us to encounter people who have heard bad advice about lawn care. Sometimes they have often repeated myths and other times people just make assumptions that aren't actually true. We love healthy [...]